First walkabout for Paul St-Pierre Plamondon

(Quebec) Having rather held militant rallies so far, Paul St-Pierre Plamondon took advantage of a first walkabout, Saturday in Quebec. The “Who is this gentleman?” and the “Ah, he’s the leader of the Parti Québécois!” were intertwined in the comments of the citizens.

Posted at 6:05 p.m.

Fanny Levesque

Fanny Levesque
The Press

” Who is this man ? Don’t know, ”launched a lady approaching the entourage of Paul St-Pierre Plamondon, who multiplied the handshakes during the Rainbow party in Quebec City on Saturday. It must be said that with security which is omnipresent and the media, the PQ leader hardly goes unnoticed. “Excuse me, but who is this famous man?” asked a tourist in English.

“Ah, it’s the gentleman from the PQ,” said a man who came to meet him spontaneously. “It’s Mr. St-Pierre Plamondon, right? asked another. The leader of the Parti Québécois, who took control of the formation in the midst of a pandemic, is fighting against a lack of popularity. At the start of the campaign, his team did not deny that he is one of the least known leaders of the campaign.

Since the election was called, the PQ leader has held more militant rallies. There have been a few outings in the streets of Joliette and Saint-Jérôme, but in less busy times. In Saint-Jérôme in particular, a few citizens came to him immediately, encouraging him in his campaign. This had pleasantly surprised those around him. “There is nothing arranged”, breathed one of them.

“I find him brave”

Saturday, therefore, was a first opportunity for him to take advantage of a much larger crowd. “I recognized him from the TV, I said to myself that it might have been him and it was him,” said Marc Pellerin, who has not yet made his choice in anticipation of October 3. . The issue of the labor shortage in the health sector is of particular concern to him.

“I find him courageous,” said Georges Dechamplain, who had just shaken hands with the PQ leader outside a restaurant on rue Saint-Jean. “It is not obvious in the situation of the Parti Québécois. He has good lines, I think he is a competent person who is able to give the right directions to the party, ”he explained to The Press.

“I voted for the CAQ the last time because, for the Liberals, 10 years was too long, but there is only one party that interests me and that is the Parti Québécois. I am for independence,” he continued.

After a 24-hour dip in Quebec City, where the chef took some time with his family, the Parti Québécois caravan heads back to the greater Montreal region.

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