first two contact cases were vaccinated in France

The first person vaccinated is a man in his thirties, residing in Paris. He is contact case of the first patient confirmed in France on May 20.

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The first two people, considered to have had risky contact with a monkey pox patient, were vaccinated on Friday May 27 in Paris, at the Bichat hospital, reports the Directorate General of Health.

In accordance with the opinion of the High Authority for Health (HAS) issued on Tuesday, “it is a very targeted vaccination which is offered to people who have had a contact considered to be at risk”said the administration.

The first to be vaccinated, a man in his thirties and residing in Paris, is the contact case of the first confirmed patient in France on May 20. “I saw him on May 14 in the afternoon in an apartment in Paris. I did not have a sexual relationship with this person but I was in prolonged (physical) contact with this person, for three hours, in the same space”he testified.

France currently has seven “proven” cases of monkeypox, new Health Minister Brigitte Bourguignon said on Wednesday, adding that the country has the necessary stocks of smallpox vaccine to vaccinate contact cases. The incubation period for monkeypox is most often between 6 and 16 days, which can range from 5 to 21 days.

The HAS recommends administering the vaccine “ideally within four days after the risky contact and at most 14 days later with a two-dose regimen (or three doses in immunocompromised subjects), spaced 28 days apart”.

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