First outbreak of bluetongue confirmed in the department

This disease, known as “blue tongue”, is transmitted by insects and can sometimes cause the death of infected sheep. However, it does not affect humans or foodstuffs.

Article written by

franceinfo – with France Bleu Champagne Ardenne

Radio France


Reading time: 1 min

Vaccination of sheep against bluetongue on a farm in Faveraye-Mâchelles, in the Pays de la Loire, on May 12, 2009. (CHRISTIAN WATIER / MAXPPP)

A first outbreak of bluetongue has been confirmed in the Marne department, France Bleu Champagne-Ardenne reported on Thursday, August 15, citing the prefecture. For the moment, the exact location of the farm in question is unknown, around which a 150 km perimeter has been set up. Animals within this zone can only leave under certain conditions, and the perimeter in question “evolves every week depending on the progression of the epizootic”specifies the prefecture.

On August 9, France Bleu Champagne-Ardenne reported a first outbreak of this disease in the neighboring department of Ardennes, 10 days after cases were detected on a farm in Chimay, Belgium. On Thursday, August 15, still in the Grand Est, the Moselle prefecture announced two outbreaks of bluetongue near Thionville.

This disease, transmitted by insects, mainly affects sheep and cattle and causes fever, mouth lesions, breathing difficulties, weight loss, loss of pregnant young and sometimes even death of the animal. This fever is not transmissible to humans. In affected farms, all animals must be disinfected, but there is no obligation to slaughter the livestock or sick animals.

The French government has launched a vaccination campaign, and veterinarians have been able to obtain supplies since Thursday, August 15. The cost of the vaccine is covered by the State, but not the vaccination itself.

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