First months in Paris and “unbearable” traffic, Lionel Messe confides in the Spanish press

Two months after his arrival at PSG, Lionel Messi gave himself up for the first time to the Spanish press. The Argentinian player granted a newspaper interview SPORT. He comes back on his first months in Paris, his relationship with Neymar and Mbappé, his goals.

“The impression of being in the locker room for a long time”

The Parisian star talks about his integration into his new club. “As soon as I arrived, I had the feeling of being in the locker room for a long time because I had a lot of knowledge, there are people who speak Spanish. All of this allows for a much faster adaptation. “ On the sporting side, Lionel Messi does not hide a certain frustration. “It seems like it never really starts. I have a game with the national team every month. I have only just settled in and I have to leave already. It makes things more difficult but little by little I’m getting used to the dynamics of the club. “

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Lionel Messi specifies that the other Parisian players have integrated it well. “The truth is that _the whole locker room is spectacular_. They made it very easy for me. I had a relationship with Ney for a long time, we kept talking even though we didn’t play together. “ As for his relationship with Kylian Mbappé, “it was strange at first because we didn’t know if he was going to stay or go. He was making his own way. Fortunately, we are getting to know each other better, both on and off the pitch. We get along wonderfully. There is a good group in the locker room. “

“It’s different. In Castelldefels, we weren’t used to it. Everything was so easy, so close. I picked up the kids from school, went to train, came home to eat. Today ‘ hui, I don’t have time to do all of this. “

The Parisian striker takes advantage of this interview to reaffirm his ambitions with Paris: win titles including the Champions League. “This is my big goal and it has been the club’s goal for a long time. _We are one of the candidates but not the only one_. Everyone talks about PSG because of their players, but there are other very good teams, like Manchester, City, Bayern, Liverpool, Atlético Madrid, Chelsea … There are a lot of teams that have the power. to win. The best doesn’t always win. It depends on a lot of details or circumstances. Anything can happen, but we are one of the candidates. “

A difficult adaptation to Parisian life

Lionel Messi also confides on his new Parisian life. “It is different. In Castelldefels we were not used to this. It was all so easy, so close. I went to pick up the children from school, I went to train, I came home to eat. Today I don’t have time to do all of this. “

The striker also tells his difficult first weeks at the hotel.We were downtown and so the traffic was unbearable. It took us an hour to go to school and an hour to go to training. The children could no longer be at the hotel. It was hard. At the same time, we tried to enjoy Paris, to get to know until we got home. “

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