First marriages between same-sex couples in Switzerland

(Geneva) The first same-sex couples said “yes” to each other on Friday in Switzerland, which officially adopted marriage for all by referendum less than a year ago.

Posted at 9:19 a.m.

Among the first brides Aline, 46, and Laure, 45, who have been in a relationship for 21 years and who said yes under the sumptuous molded ceilings of the Palais Eynard in Geneva.

Aline and Laure, who came with a dozen friends to what is considered to be the seat of the city administration, held hands throughout the ceremony and exchanged vows nourished by memories of their long relationship and their love. .

“I now have the immense pleasure of announcing to you that you are officially married”, solemnly declared Marie Barbey-Chpuis, the mayor of the city who wanted to officiate in person for this first historic ceremony.

The two brides kissed, as tradition dictates, to loud applause from the congregation.

” It is very moving. It is a moment that is very strong and which sends a very strong message to society: that of being free to love and to be loved, ”confided the mayor to AFP.

“The symbolism was particularly strong and the emotion too, naturally,” she added.

“It was time in Switzerland for marriage to become perfectly egalitarian,” stressed the mayor, emphasizing the historical aspect for the country and for the institution of marriage itself.

The Swiss launched a resounding yes in favor of marriage for all in a referendum on September 26, 2021, imposing a crushing defeat on its opponents, who want to see it as a threat to the well-being of the child.

The yes had then collected 64.1% of the vote and all the cantons of the country, including the most conservative voted for.

Switzerland was one of the last countries in Western Europe to take the plunge.

While same-sex couples could already enter into a civil pact in the country since 2007, the new law gives them new rights and in particular provides that same-sex couples can adopt a child jointly.

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