first day of reconfinement in Austria, the shocking sentence of the German Minister of Health




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As every evening, the 11pm takes a tour of the news broadcast by European television channels. It’s’Eurozapping of Monday 22 November.

On Monday 22 November, Austria entered its first day of re-containment. Deserted streets and closed shops, the only exceptions are schools that remain open. Parents have the choice to send their children. The headmistress of a Viennese school confirms that the vast majority came to the school on this first day of re-containment. In addition, the country has made vaccination compulsory for adults from February 2022.

Faced with a significant increase in the number of cases, Germany is relying heavily on the vaccine. In testimonythisth shocking sentence of the German Minister of Health, Jens Spahn :At the end of winter, each of us will be vaccinated, cured or dead. Across the Rhine, the Christmas markets are closing one after the other. In Germany, 68% of the population has a complete vaccination schedule. Restrictions could be put in place again if the contamination rate continues to climb.

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