This prohibition does not apply to authorized professionals or municipalities that organize fireworks for the national holiday.
Reading time : 1 min.

Haro on fireworks. “Sale, port, transport and use” fireworks, highly prized by rioters during the recent revolts, are prohibited during the July 14 weekend, according to a decree published on Sunday July 9 in the Official newspaper. This measure will be in force until July 15, throughout the national territory. This prohibition does not apply to authorized professionals or municipalities that organize fireworks for the national holiday.
After the revolts which followed the death of Nahel, 17, killed by a policeman during a road check, the government fears a new conflagration in the cities for July 14. Elisabeth Borne announced that security means “massive” will be deployed for the occasion. Seizures of firework mortars have increased in recent days.
These fireworks, on sale over the counter, have been diverted from their use for several years and used for illegal purposes, particularly in the context of attacks directed against the police, buildings, vehicles or even against other criminal groups, according to a recent note from the General Directorate of Customs.