Fireworks ban: sheer madness!

Earlier this week, we learned that three municipalities in the Laurentians region were going to put an end to the use of fireworks on their territory.

This ban is justified on environmental grounds. So, to save the planet, the officials of these three municipalities believe that the colored explosions must be stopped.

We can understand that the future of the planet is important to these elected officials, but there are undoubtedly much more effective ways to reduce pollution and protect the environment.

Because it is not fireworks that are currently endangering our planet.

Last resort

One might wonder if the three municipalities in question, Mont-Tremblant, Val-David and Lac-Tremblant-Nord, have done everything to reduce their impact on the environment.

Are all municipal vehicles electric?

Do municipalities not dump wastewater into waterways?

Is compost collection implemented in the three cities in question and are all recyclable materials recycled at 100%?

Probably not.

Thus, the elected officials of these municipalities should work on other more significant aspects than banning fireworks.

just fun

A member of the municipal council of Mont-Tremblant said: “It’s obsolete, the fireworks […] and it brings nothing positive.


Children love fireworks and older ones too. It is a small happiness of life for many families during the summer season. Since everyday life is already heavy enough, can we keep small elements of pleasure like fireworks?

What’s the next step? Abolish campfires and roasted marshmallows?

We need to stop this madness ASAP.

Municipal elected officials must focus on actions that will have real impact instead of attacking a symbol to clear their conscience.

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