fires ravage the center of the country



Video length: 1 min.

France 3

Article written by

France 3 – D. Schlienger, C. Morand, @RevelateursFTV, P.-M. from La Foata

France Televisions

Greece is in the grip of severe fires across the country on Tuesday, July 18. Fueled by gusts of 60 km / h, the flames reached the houses before the emergency services even had time to intervene.

Fires ravage central Greece. The owners of a stable only have a few minutes to save their lives and those of their horses. The solution is all the more complicated as there are several fires to fight. 81 fires broke out at the same time in the country, hit by the heat wave. The temperature climbs up to 48e in Athens.

Confusion and anger

Confusion and anger reign in certain communes which feel abandoned. Rather than evacuate, the inhabitants are fighting on the front line, with the means at hand, helped by the police. Several hundred Greek firefighters are mobilized, with around thirty helicopters and planes. But how many drops will it take to weaken this wall of fire? A man suspected of starting one of the outbreaks has been arrested. In addition, French civil security must arrive as reinforcements.

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