Fires in Gironde and Landes: extreme weather conditions



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The firefighters’ fight is far from over in Gironde and the Landes. In total, 7,400 hectares have been destroyed since Tuesday August 9.

A gigantic wall of flames seemed uncontrollable, Thursday August 11, in Gironde. The firefighters were trying to slow him down as best they could. But the blaze is still just as unpredictable, so powerful that it causes its own wind and goes off in all directions. All day, the weather conditions were more than bad, with temperatures reaching 40 degrees.

Day and night, the firefighters take turns, with a primary mission: to spare the surrounding houses. New evacuations had to take place on Thursday, adding to the 10,000 people who have already had to leave their homes. The fire is approaching in particular the town of Belin-Béliet, in Gironde. The area burned in July is at risk of igniting again. Soldiers came as reinforcements to put out any outbreak of fire and turn the earth over to smother it.

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