Fires in California: the situation is deteriorating


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Monday, July 25, California is still in the grip of a huge fire. Yosemite National Park is under threat and the situation is spiraling out of control.

Impassable roads and walls of flames on the side of the roads, the fires ravage California, Monday, July 25. The firefighters have difficulty in intervening, because the fires broke out in a mountainous area where access is very complicated. So some Californians try to put out the flames themselves. This is our home, I feel like we have to do everything we can to at least have a chance to save it“says a resident.

The images are impressive and the smoke rushes into the mountains before rising into the sky. Despite large resources on the spot and in the air, the emergency services are unable, for the moment, to control the flames. 6,000 Californians have already had to leave their homes. Among them, some had very little time to pack up. I just had time to grab birth certificates, my pair of binoculars, a picture of my parents“, deplores an evacuated man. The fire is so large that clouds of smoke have been seen from the International Space Station.

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