Video length: 2 min.
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Faced with a particularly early drought throughout the country, how can the risk of fires be prevented? We remember in particular the mega-fires last summer in Gironde. On site, it is already time for preparations and prevention.
Firefighters on the front, water hose in hand. It’s only a simulation, and yet these men and women give their all. For several weeks in Gironde, firefighters have been training. Everyone still has in mind the monster fires of last summer. “You lose practice very quickly if you don’t do this training.”said the sergeant Harmony, Gironde firefighters – SDIS 33. A preparation of men, but also of equipment.
The greatest number of fire starts
In a workshop in Bordeaux (Gironde)firefighters and mechanics have been working tirelessly for more than eight months to repair all the trucks damaged by the flames. 10% vehicles are still out of order. In Gironde, the inhabitants are also mobilizing. Maxim Douillac lives on the edge of the forest, Biganos. It is the first time that he clears brush around his house. Last year’s fires upset him. “We had to cut everything, put it clean, so as to make a passage, a firefighter’s access“, he explains. The Gironde is the French department that records the highest number of fire outbreaks each year.