Firefighting, renationalization of EDF, purchasing power law … Gabriel Attal’s “8:30 franceinfo”

Gabriel Attal, Minister Delegate to the Minister of Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty in charge of Public Accounts was the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo”, Tuesday July 19, 2022.

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The Minister Delegate in charge of Public Accounts was the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo”, Tuesday July 19. He answered questions from Lorrain Sénéchal and Neïla Latrous.

Fires: “More than 200 million euros” for civil security over the past five years

We have greatly increased in recent years the means of civil security“, recalled Gabriel Attal, Minister Delegate in charge of Public Accounts, while major forest fires are still underway in Gironde. “More than 200 million euros” have been put on the table “for civil security over the past 5 years” for “strengthen our equipment to fight fires”.
Gabriel Attal also specified that the effort would continue: “We have increased our equipment in terms of Canadair, in terms of Dash planes, in terms of heavy water bomber helicopters. We’re gonna keep doing it“, he continued. “In total over the two five-year terms of Emmanuel Macron, 850 million euros have been put in to strengthen our investment in the fight against forest fires“, assures Gabriel Attal.

Renationalisation of EDF: “This is what will allow us to invest in favor of nuclear power”

The State will launch a public purchase offer (OPA) to renationalise EDF, an operation which will cost 9.7 billion euros, announced the Ministry of the Economy on Tuesday morning. “This is what will allow us to invest massively in favor of nuclear“, explained Gabriel Attal. “CThe credits are part of our objective of reducing the deficit to 5%“, assured the Minister of Public Accounts. The State already held 84% of EDF before launching a public purchase offer (OPA) for 100% of the group.

Purchasing Power Bill: “To throw money around, in the end it’s taxing to repay”

“Spending lavishly, in the end is taxing to repay, and that’s not our line,” replied Gabriel Attal to criticism from the opposition. They criticize the government for not doing enough for purchasing power. The Minister Delegate in charge of Public Accounts took the opportunity to defend the “Macron bonus“.”I believe that last year, more than 4 million employees benefited“, he added, and the wish of the government, “is that they are even more numerous to receive it“.

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