Fired after a drunken evening on the air? Bruno Guillon speaks live on Fun Radio “I’m fired, it’s dead”

Before having fun in the morning on Fun Radio for 10 years, Bruno Guillon was a night owl. Before being the star of 6/9 and France 2, the host began his career on NRJ, with a night program. It’s not always easy to start your day at midnight… and even less so when you party just before!

Invited to his colleague Cartman’s show on Fun Radio, Bruno Guillon indulged in a confidence that marked him when he was on NRJ: “One day, I’m having a party with some friends, we drink a little… I go on air at midnight and during the night, I fall asleep”and if normally during a blank on the air a backup option is unlocked, this time it was not the case “And when there is a blank on the radio, after a few minutes of blank, there is what is called ‘help’ which leaves to avoid silence. And so there, the rescue did not go”.

In the arms of Morpheus and noticing anything, the host of France 2 then tells how he somehow got out of this moment “After a while, I hear knocking in the hallway and the security guard arrives and says: ‘There’s the Eiffel Tower calling, there’s nothing leaving…'”. Awakened with a start, Bruno Guillon had “the marks of the console buttons imprinted on his face”. After this difficult night, the latter finds himself summoned to the director of the radio… “The next morning, the radio calls me, the assistant of the antenna director tells me that I am summoned at 9:30 am to the radio”.

There, it is the drama, the one who is today at the head of Everyone his turn on France 2 imagines the worst “I say to myself ‘Well, I’m fired, it’s dead’. And in fact, I was summoned because he was firing the one who was doing the 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and it was to tell me that I was taking his place.“, a real twist of fate!

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