Fire: more than 600 hectares of vegetation destroyed in the Cévennes


France 3

Article written by

C. Vérove, @RevelateursFTV, P. Bouchetou – France 3

France Televisions

In the Gard, firefighters speak of “mega fire”. It has been spreading at full speed since Thursday July 7th. two towns, Bordezac and Bessèges, were particularly affected. Residents had to be evacuated and houses burned down. 700 firefighters are at work.

The flames progress in the Cevennes vegetation. Their red smoke lit up the night from Thursday July 7th to Friday July 8th. More than 600 ha of vegetation have already been ravages in Gard. All night, the firefighters struggled. On a border, they lit a spark to cause a backfire, the ultimate solution to slow the fire. What saved the village from winnieres (gard) flames.

The flames threaten the villages of Besseges and of Bordezac (gard). Families had to spend the night in a campsite. More than 70 people need to be relocated urgently. Friday, July 8 in the morning, most returned home after a night of anxiety. Airplanes now come to the aid of firefighters. Every means of struggle is considered valuable. 680 firefighters are still mobilized.

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