Fire in Gironde: the fire is advancing at lightning speed




Article written by

D.Schlienger, N.Fleury, V.Piffeteau, P.Miette France 3 Nouvelle-Aquitaine, @RevelateursFTV – France 2

France Televisions

Three weeks after a gigantic fire in Landirasin Gironde, the inhabitants are again confronted with the flames. This time the fire spreads faster. In less than 24 hours, more than 6,000 hectares of forest went up in smoke.

Even firefighters did not expect such a speed of spread. Fighting your way through the flames becomes very perilous. During the night of Tuesday to Wednesday August 10, six trucks caught fire. The firefighters evacuated just in time. In just a few hours, the fire advanced at breakneck speed. The wall of flames is so high that you can’t even make out the sky.

6,000 hectares were devoured and sixteen houses burned. The inhabitants have only a few minutes to evacuate. They must try to find accommodation for the night. The mayor ofHostensJean Louis Dartiailhmakes rounds in the car to try to guide the firefighters and make sure everyone is off to a good start. This is the second time that the territory has been affected by fire this summer. The blaze is a direct consequence of the one of July, which had burned 14,000 hectares in all.

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