FIQ members to vote on proposed agreement in October

After more than 500 days without a collective agreement, the approximately 80,000 members of the Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé du Québec (FIQ) will have to vote on a proposed agreement during a referendum to be held from October 15 to 17.

The proposal was submitted last Sunday to the union’s delegates, who voted 96% on Monday and Tuesday to have it presented to their members.

“The health and social services network needs increased attention and we will always be there to lead the fight to improve the working conditions of our members and the conditions of care for the population,” said FIQ President Julie Bouchard in a press release.

In early September, the union refused the latest offer made by the Legault government, saying that its proposals would only “worsen an already intolerable situation.” “They require even greater flexibility than that massively rejected by healthcare professionals last April,” the FIQ deplored in a press release.

The agreement in principle reached in the spring between the union and Quebec was rejected by 61% of its members. They fear being moved from one place to another without having a say.

Further details will follow.

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