Fiona Gélin ex-alcoholic: the pressure of her young companion for her to stop

On May 22, 2022, Fiona Gélin will celebrate her passage into her sixties. With a small glass of champagne for the occasion? Not sure ! Ex-alcoholic, the actress now seems rid of her demons. And it’s a man who managed to help her in this fight: ChardRy, her young lover.

Asked by Galato promote the show To my father – which she will play at the Festival d’Avignon from July 7 to 30, 2022 -, Fiona Gélin has agreed to come back to her alcohol problems, now behind her. “If I regret one thing in my life, it’s having tried drugs and alcohol. I had to go to a psychiatric hospital several times to treat myself. So, I served as a counter-example to my 33-year-old son, Milan. He is completely clean, so much the better“, she says. She is also a grandmother, of a little Giulia aged 10. And the actress, who has experienced a descent into hell and has big money problems, to explain that it is his companion who changed everything in his life.”He is my safeguard, the first man in my life to reason with me, calm me down“, she says.

ChardRy, whose real name is Richard Bauduin, met Fiona Gélin in August 2020 in Saint-Tropez. Between this man, 21 years her junior, and the actress, the story of friendship turned into a love story. “At this point, I knew everything about her, including that she had a drinking problem. One of my best friends died of it, I didn’t want to go through that again. I put the market in her hand, I wanted to commit if she stopped drinking“, he details in Gala. A push that seems to have worked.

This passionate relationship will also become professional! Indeed, during the show she will play this summer in Avignon, Fiona Gélin will be accompanied by her darling on stage. The actress will perform texts by her father Daniel Gélin on melodies played on the guitar by ChardRy. “I died of stage fright“, does not hide the star. But there is no doubt that together, they will be able to give each other courage.

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