Finland on its way to joining NATO, inflation at 7% in Britain



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Small selection of news broadcast by European television channels on Wednesday 13 April.

Since the invasion of Ukraine, Finland has been concerned about his army. Its army could soon join the NATO troops. Prime Minister Sanna Marin announced it during a visit to Sweden, faced with the same dilemma. Today, a Finnish government report begins the process. The Finnish request could be finalized before the end of the summer.

With the war, the crops of the vast Ukrainian plains can no longer be exported through the ports of Odessa and Mariupol. So the Ukrainians are betting everything on the train. New routes towards the European Union should make it possible to dispose of these stocks which for the moment are at their highest.

Inflation at 7% in Great Britain. For this pizza, the oil comes from Ukraine and the price has doubled. Ditto for the tomato sauce which comes from Spain. Not to mention Russian gas heating. “I’ve never experienced anything like it. Imported food, energy: everything increases every minute”says Paul White, owner of a pizzeria.

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