Fines for cannabis consumption, value sharing, Immigration law… What to remember from Olivier Marleix’s interview

The president of the group Les Républicains (LR) in the National Assembly was the guest of “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Tuesday June 27, 2023.

Olivier Marleix, deputy for Eure-et-Loir, president of the group Les Républicains (LR) in the National Assembly was the guest of the 8:30 a.m. franceinfoTuesday, June 27, 2023. Cannabis fine, Marseille, value sharing, Immigration law, JDD… He answers questions from Marc Fauvelle and Salhia Brakhlia.

Cannabis fine paid in CB: you must enter “social aid”

While Emmanuel Macron has recommended that fines for possession or consumption of cannabis can be paid by bank card or cash to increase the recovery rate, Olivier Marleix regrets that the head of state does not want to go further. “We had proposed that there could be seizures, including social assistance”he said. “It’s good to introduce fines, you still have to make them pay”, he adds. The recovery rate does not exceed 35%. The boss of the LR group regrets that there is no “of sufficiently strong will” to end this “scourge” which is cannabis use. According to him, “we must first target the networks of traffickers. There is still a long way to go”he laments. “Resolute action is needed”he said.

Marseille and jobs in the Old Port: the President of the Republic must not “express himself like that”

Emmanuel Macron was arrested by a mother in Marseille whose son cannot find a job. “I’m going around the Old Port with you, I’m sure there are ten job offers”replied Emmanuel Macron. “We feel that we are coming to the end of 100 days of calm and that nature is taking over. There is something a little provocative in this formula”reacts Olivier Marleix. “It is not for the President of the Republic to express himself like that”he adds, admitting however “that there is a problem of unfilled offers just in the hotel and catering industry”. “It’s a little more complicated” than what President Emmanuel Macron wants to suggest, according to him. “There is a housing problem” in tourist areas, he adds.

Sharing the value: the LRs will “of course” vote the text

Olivier Marleix confirms that his parliamentary group would vote for the text on the sharing of value in companies. “It’s going in the right direction”but “we must not forget that the remuneration of work is first of all the salary, it is not the bonuses at all costs”, he nuances. This declaration echoes the positions taken by the left. Republicans will vote “Of course” this text which is the one “social partners” And “not the government’s”, he said. He had “the wisdom to take it as such”.

Immigration Law: Republicans do not rule out “a motion of censure”

The Republicans will not hesitate to sanction the procrastination of the government on the Immigration Law while the text must be presented by Élisabeth Borne at the beginning of July: “The government seems to lack the will on the subject. They do not know where they are going” he believes. “We would table a motion of censure if the government tried to force its way through on subjects which, for us, constitute a red line”, he warns. Immigration, “this is the first red line that I identified because we are in this situation where the French would not support letting go”he explains.

The classical right pushes for a constitutional reform aimed at escaping the law and the European treaty on immigration. Dominique de Villepin, the former Prime Minister denounced an extremist drift of the right. “Dominique de Villepin must realize that times have changed. The French very, very largely want to say stop to a certain number of excesses, want a turning point that is probably quite radical”he explains.

The hijab in football: “If Mr. Macron, if Mr. Darmanin had listened to us, we would have settled the question”

The public rapporteur of the Council of State said he was in favor of the hijab on football fields. The Council of State examined an appeal by the “Hijabeuses” against article 1 of the regulations of the French Football Federation, which prohibits them from playing veiled during competitions. “It takes the naivety of a rapporteur to the Council of State to write that there is no proselytism, that there is no provocation”reacts Olivier Marleix. “We tabled amendments to prohibit the wearing of the veil during sports competitions. At the time, the government opposed it”he recalls. “On this subject, if Mr. Macron, if Mr. Darmanin had listened to us, we would not be there, we would have to settle this question”he laments.

JDD: Vincent Bolloré “does honor to our country”

The editorial staff of the Journal du Dimanche has been on strike for a few days after the announced appointment of a new editorial director, Geoffroy Lejeune, close to the far right and from Current Values. Olivier Marleix does not understand the reaction of the Minister of Culture who expressed his concern for “the values ​​of the Republic” : “She was much less worried when the President of the Republic obtained a five-page interview from Geoffroy Lejeune in Current Values” he points out. “Let the state stay in its place. I try to stay in my place”, he says. The member is for the “respect for pluralism” and the “freedom of expression” in the media. But “It is certainly not for politicians to get involved and comment on all this. Otherwise, we come back to the ORTF. I do not think that in terms of freedom of the press, this is the desirable model”, he said. Although Arnaud Lagardère ensures that it is he who is behind this recruitment, the showdown continues with Vincent Bolloré and the editorial staff of the JDD on strike, whose Vivendi group has just absorbed Lagardère, owner of the Journal. Vincent Bollore “is a great business leader and he has brought honor to our country” believes Olivier Marleix.


Find the entire “8:30 franceinfo” of Tuesday, June 27, 2023:

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