Find “The Wooden Pearls”, in the Happy Hour Live!

Alternative Rock or Brit Pop? Both my cap’tain! And in the middle, a string of variations all stemming from the greatest emotions that only rock provides. But “The Wooden Pearls” is something else again. Gilles and Stéphane, give the “La” and all the chords that go with it, to make Céline’s voice even more bewitching. Which, with its bass lines wraps with its 4-string dance, each riff and backbeat, for a different trip each time.
Because if there’s one thing these three have understood, it’s that rock can’t be invented anymore. On the other hand, it is rewritten, it turns in all directions, even if it means blowing up the codes. You know ? Those of living room rock, excessively druckized, to make a “Delahousse” on Sunday at 8:30 p.m.!

In fact, “The Wooden Pearls” is Rock that goes straight to the point: Rock! Pure and hard, with an impertinence that is equaled only the sensuality of a singer without any musical or scenic taboos. To be in the mood, we can go so far as to say that it’s rock that’s sustainable and biologically rooted in the riffs of the glorious thirty. Which in no way prevents “The Wooden Pearls” from having their sound, their universe and their messages. No question of making a title, if it does not tell a story.
To tell you the truth, Gilles on drums, Stéphane, the guitarist, and Céline, on vocals and bass are Artisans of Rock. It’s necessarily transcendent, just the right amount of excess, and in our time a bit paradoxical. But above all it’s Rock as we like it! Discover them with us, in the Happy Hour Live!

The Wooden Pearls live:

  • March 5: Musicalagos springboard final, Lagos (64)
  • March 12: Jampub, Lescar (64)
  • June 4: Rock’Eup, Saint-Gaudens (31)
  • June 12: Very Good Trip festival, Château de Bellocq (64)
  • September 15: Music Factory, Toulouse (31)e
The Wooden Pearls on stage
Credit: Wooden Pearls

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