find the most read unusual stories in Mayenne in 2021

A truck driver who relieves herself in a field, Mayennais who jostle for a robot cooker at Lidl. This year, you were still very much intrigued by the unusual stories. We took a look at the articles and videos that you watched the most in 2021 on the France Bleu Mayenne website. Anthology.

We begin this retrospective with a story … embarrassing. The title speaks for itself: A truck driver fired for relieving herself in a Mayenne field. This article has been viewed 40,526 times. Last April, a farmer from Coëvrons realizes that a female driver has defecated next to his truck on his property. He then alerts the boss who lays her off and ends up dismissing her. The driver explained to France Bleu Mayenne that in times of health restrictions, she was not allowed to ask her customers to use their toilets. She seized the industrial tribunal.

Lidl Food Processor Rush

In June, Lidl stores release their (much cheaper) version of the robot cooker. It’s madness at the Saint-Berthevin store, where customers unscrupulously confide in the journalist of France Bleu Mayenne to have “pushed everyone” to get one. An article read nearly 80,000 times.

It is the most watched video in 2021 on the Facebook page of France Bleu Mayenne, an exceptional mega convoy that crosses the narrow streets of Meslay-du-Maine in September. The machine was carrying 200 tons of gas, and if the video may seem trivial, it has been viewed 161,407 times on Facebook. Here it is, for you to judge:

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The Patrouille de France takes a tour in Mayenne

Its passage never goes unnoticed. The Patrouille de France flew over the Mayenne on July 16, the Alpha Jets spread their blue, white and red trails above the sky of Martigné-sur-Mayenne, above astonished inhabitants. For the record, the pilots wanted to wink at their former colleague from Martigné. 190,000 of you have viewed the images on our site.

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Finally, a story that moved 219,000 Internet users in October. In Meslay-du-Maine, the manager of a road transport company asked his 68-year-old father-in-law to take the wheel again to make up for the lack of manpower. He of course accepted, while confiding that he was a little stressed, it had been 8 years since he had driven a truck.

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