Find out what to do to eliminate ants

Ants and insects can cause headaches for homeowners, but there are environmentally friendly solutions to exterminate them.

The Association for Environmental Health of Quebec (ASEQ) has also published advice to prevent their spread.

Diatomaceous earth is a natural powder that can be sprinkled around your residence. Ants that come into contact with the powder will become dehydrated, which will kill them.

Baking soda can also be an effective option, if mixed with sugar to attract insects. This mixture is a substitute for borax. It might be effective in eliminating the infestation. Also, mixing vinegar and water before spraying the product on ants is a good solution, according to ASEQ.

To avoid attracting insects, it is recommended to keep your home clean, empty garbage cans regularly, solve problems related to the humidity of the premises and avoid leaving fruits and vegetables on the counter for too long. from the kitchen. For this purpose, it is best to keep food in a closed container.

In addition, firewood and tree branches located near your home can attract insects. It is recommended to cut the branches close to your home and keep the wood at a safe distance.

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