find out what the maestro plans to do with his huge win!

He is the 7th greatest of the maestros of Do not forget the lyrics. Despite his young age, Kristof amazed France 2 viewers for several weeks with his great knowledge of the songs he covered in Nagui’s musical program. Unfortunately, after 39 wins, Kristofer was eliminated. However, it is not empty-handed that the young 24-year-old law student maestro leaves. Indeed, he managed to pocket, over the emissions 309,000 euros. A sum he would never have thought of before participating in the show. I was hoping to win but I didn’t expect to go that far.”he confesses to our colleagues from South Radio. But what will he do with this sum of money?

He precisely gave the answer during the same interview. Does he intend to travel to the other side of the world? Buy a house? Or put the money aside for future projects? Despite his young age, Kristofer seems to have already thought about what he was going to do with it. At first, he should take the opportunity to resume piano lessons. The first plans were to resume piano lessons. I did 11 years of piano so I would like to take lessons in a conservatory in Brussels or in another country, after my studies”.

Kristofer will invest in real estate

But piano lessons, although they remain expensive, will not empty his kitty for all that. So for the remaining sum, the 7th greatest maestro of Do not forget the lyrics wants to invest his earnings in a specific area. “As I have a lot of money, I think I will invest it in real estate. It is symbolic money. I’ve worked hard for that money and I’m so lucky that I don’t want to waste it. I will therefore invest a large part in real estate”.

It remains to be seen where the candidate from Do not forget the lyrics want to invest. Indeed, if he wishes to buy a property in Paris, he is not sure that his kitty will be enough for him to obtain the apartment of his dreams.

See also: Don’t forget the lyrics: Maureen eliminated


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