Find out how to cook tofu with taste!

This product from China can now be found everywhere in our organic supermarkets. Also called soy cheese, tofu is primarily a meat substitute. It is difficult to know how to cook it to give it flavor. Test the recipes offered by France Bleu to expand your catalog of tofu dishes and give it flavor!

Is tofu good for health?

Rich in fiber, tofu has the advantage of having a high intake of vegetable protein, in addition to being low in calories.

How is tofu cooked?

This traditional Asian dish can come in several forms: silken, firm, smoked or lactofermented tofu. Depending on the preparation, some will be more adequate. For example, in a dessert or miso soup, silken tofu is recommended, thanks to its easy-to-work texture. Lactofermented tofu is more acidic and gives an interesting taste to certain sauces or salads. While firm tofu is quite neutral, which is why it is sometimes smoked, or sold flavored. But this tofu can also be seasoned or marinated very well and its texture remains an asset in the kitchen.

How is tofu cooked?

Depending on your tastes and the dish, the tofu can very well be cooked or just snacked in the pan. But it is also possible to eat raw tofu, in soup or salad.

VIDEO : Organic and artisanal Chinese tofu, produced in Touraine

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