find out how much Jenifer pocketed to launch the new season of “Star Academy”!

After ten years of absence, TF1 orchestrated the great comeback of Star Academy this Saturday, October 15. An event that countless viewers did not want to miss! A successful bet for the first channel since it brought together no less than 5 million curious people. A nice score all in all. It must be said that the production has put the small dishes in the big ones to mark the occasion.

In addition to the presentation of the new tenants of the Château de Dammarie-Les-Lys, the presence of an icon had the merit of creating a buzz! Indeed, the singer Jenifer made a remarkable appearance during this frenzied evening. To launch the new edition of the telecrochet, the big winner of the first season was therefore invited to perform the show! Adorned with a sumptuous fuchsia pink dress signed Valentinothe happy mother of three children interpreted – live – her greatest hits to the delight of the public. “My revolution”, “In the sun”, “Give me time”, “I’m waiting for love”… But also his last piece “Save who loves” which loops over the airwaves.

“We don’t bring people to please…”

According to our sources, Jenifer would have received a nice check to appear on set last Saturday and promote it on her social networks. “Several thousand euros” we learn. Information that could set fire to the powder. Indeed according to Tele-Leisure, some ex-academicians would have shunned the countless invitations from the production to support the new candidates. Like Jean-Pascal Lacoste who refused to do so, not receiving a salary unlike others.

“We don’t come to please”protested the darling of Delphine Tellier during a live Instagram organized this Sunday with Mario Barravecchia. “So you can be a singer, a p*rno actor, a mushroom researcher, a golf player or like me a bit of a multi-tasker […]. We make you come is that you bring in money, you cost money […]. You, if we call you, it’s because you’re going to bring in money… You’re entitled to your fucking salary […]. What you watch on TV, the Star Ac’all that… It’s entertainment. But it’s also business! ». It is said !

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to see also: Star Academy 2022: two students fired!

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