Find a job with France Bleu Bourgogne!

Recruiters offer you:

  • A sales position at the Château d’Ax store in Quetigny specializing in sofas
Salon salesperson ©Getty

To apply contact thee firm M’y expertise RH on 06 79 99 12 43 which manages the recruitment of this position

  • 140 positions to be filled in hotel catering in Côte-d’Or: Receptionist, Head receptionist, Housekeeper, Spa manager, Assistant head waiter, Kitchen clerk, Assistant manager, HR assistant, Preparation of breakfasts, Maid, Cook , Sommelier, Head waiter, Room clerk, Kitchen clerk, Chef de partie, Dishwasher, Bartender, Spa practitioner, Pastry cook, Room manager, Valet, etc…
Use © Radio France

JOB DATING organized by the Dijon Bourgogne hotel club Monday, March 21, 2022 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the premises of the CCI Métropole de Bourgogne – 2 Avenue de Marbotte in Dijon

  • A foudrier at the Marc Grenier lightning factory in Corberon
Lightning ©Getty
David Bise / Eye Em

Send CV and cover letter to [email protected]

If you too are recruiting, contact us on 03 80 42 15 15 Where send us an email to [email protected] and put your ad on our antenna. It’s free !

And find all the announcements live on our antenna from Monday to Friday at 6:16 a.m. or 8:25 a.m. and on weekends at 7:52 a.m.

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