Financing of political parties, legislative in Italy … Julien Odoul’s “8h30 franceinfo”

Julien Odoul, MP for Yonne, spokesman for the National Rally, was the guest of the “8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Saturday, September 24, 2022. Commission of Inquiry into Foreign Party Funding, Legislative in Italy… He answers questions from Lorrain Sénéchal and Neila Latrous.

If the Italians elect Giorgia Meloni, “Ursula Von der Leyen will have to respect this vote”

“If the Italians decide to elect Giorgia Meloni, Ursula von der Leyen will have to respect this vote without threat”, says Julien Odoul. In Italy, the far-right candidate Giorgia Meloni is on track to win the legislative elections to be held this Sunday, September 25.

When Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission, “threatens the Italians depending on tomorrow’s vote by saying that ‘if Mrs. Meloni’s party wins, she has pressure tools, as was the case for Poland and Hungary’, it is a foreign interference which is not denounced by the macronie. It is unbearable to have this kind of pressure, of violence, vis-à-vis a sovereign people who will vote tomorrow “believes the far-right MP.

Foreign party funding: “Renaissance will have to show its credentials”

“We demand that transparency be total for all parties”, says Julien Odoul. The National Rally, accused by its opponents of the majority of depending on Russian power, counter-attacked this Friday, September 23 by proposing a commission of inquiry to the Assembly on the foreign financing of all parties, with in its sights Renaissance .

“The majority makes a point of throwing out baseless criticisms, attacking the opposition parties, in particular the National Rally, over alleged links with Russia. So yes, we want transparency, total transparency”says the chosen one. “This commission of inquiry will shed light on everything. The Renaissance party will have to show its credentials and the French will see”he adds.

Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” of Saturday September 24, 2022:

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