Some 200 million euros will be invested in particular to develop innovative biofuels. These sustainable fuels are used in addition to kerosene in current aircraft, but their production is still in its infancy.
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“The French must be the champions of the ultra-low-energy plane.” Emmanuel Macron announced, Friday, June 16, a series of measures to develop the “zero emission” aircraft, during a visit to the aeronautical engine manufacturer Safran in Villaroche (Seine-et-Marne).
Among them, the tripling of State support for the Council for civil aeronautical research with 300 million euros per year between 2024 and 2030. In addition, 200 million euros from the France 2030 plan will be devoted to “emerging actors”in particular to develop “small electric and hydrogen planes”.
Finally, 200 million euros will be invested to develop innovative biofuels. Products from waste oils, wood residues or algae, sustainable fuels can be used in addition to kerosene in current aircraft, but their production is still in its infancy.