Financial support for business tourism

In order to allow business tourism to catch its breath, the Quebec government is announcing the creation of a development fund in which it has invested a sum of $ 2.5 million.

Nathaelle Morissette

Nathaelle Morissette

Lending a hand to the organizers, stimulating demand for holding business events in Quebec and helping to cope with the increase in costs caused by the pandemic are among the objectives of this fund.

“Business tourism is a very important sector for the Quebec economy, and our government is taking concrete action to support it in its recovery and return to growth,” Tourism Minister Caroline Proulx said in a press release on Monday. . Remember that it is the most lucrative of the tourist segments. Indeed, a visitor traveling for business spends on average twice as much as a tourist on a pleasure trip. I am convinced that the fund launched today will help the industry to reconquer this market, to convince companies to hold conventions and events here in Quebec, and to promote the expertise and know-how that our destination’s reputation for excellence. ”

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