“Finally there will be magistrates, investigators dedicated to our affairs”, rejoices Dalida Boutvillain, sister of a missing person

Malik Boutvillain disappeared on May 6, 2012 while he was out running. He should have celebrated his 42 years with his family last week. It is one of these “cold cases”, these cases not elucidated by justice.

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Awaited for twenty years by certain families of victims, the judicial center devoted to cold cases becomes operational from Tuesday, March 1. This national center based in Nanterre is dedicated to these unsolved cases but also to serial crimes. At its head: Sabine Khéris, former dean of the judges of instructions in Paris, known in particular for having made confess the couple Fourniret-Olivier on the disappearance of Estelle Mouzin. This pole is a new hope for the relatives of the victims, like Dalida Boutvillain. His brother Malik has been missing for ten years in Isère, and the investigation has never been successful.

Last week, Malik Boutvillain should have celebrated his 42nd birthday with his family. But since he went running in the forest on May 6, 2012, his relatives have never seen him again. After an investigation closed in 2014, the justice reopened the file in 2018 by studying the track of Nordahl Lelandais. But the research yielded nothing and since then, Dalida Boutvillain has the impression of having been abandoned by the courts. “We families feel that no one is interested in our disappeared”she says.

“Until now, no one was watching us, no one was listening to us, no one was considering our pain. We are completely forgotten.”

Dalida Boutvillain, sister of Malik Boutivillain, disappeared in 2012


For Dalida, the creation of this pole is therefore a new hope of knowing what happened to her brother. “We are finally going to be interested in these stories, finally there are going to be magistrates, investigators dedicated to our cases. It will be a new look at these files, including that of my brother, and that can only make progress things.” It remains to be seen whether Malik’s file will be selected by the cold case department. According to the Minister of Justice, there are currently 173 cases of unsolved crimes in France. But only the most complex will be dealt with by this new jurisdiction.

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