“Finally”, Christine Boutin’s tweet evoking the death of the discoverer of AIDS blew up the Web!

On February 10, we learned of the death of Luc Montagnier, Nobel Prize in Medicine for the discovery of the AIDS virus. It was AFP who tweeted the news of his disappearance at the age of 89, at the American hospital in Neuilly-sur-Seine (Hauts-de-Seine). Information confirmed by the mayor of the city Jean-Christophe Fromantin, to several media.

Big bad buzz around the death of a scientist

A two-day delay that raised mustard in the nose of Christine Boutin. At 78, retired from political life since 2017 and supporting Eric Zemmour in the next presidential election, she once again tweeted faster than her shadow this week.

Sharing the AFP article, on Twitter, she wrote in capital letters: “FINALLY !” as the only comment on the announcement of the death of Luc Montagnier. Some Internet users saw a malicious message from the one who joined the Manif pour tous, in 2012, to protest against gay marriage, and who convicted of incitement to hatred after she declared: “homosexuality is an abomination”.

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In fact, she explained to her followers the reason for her rant. Christine Boutin has indeed confided: “This ‘FINALLY’ is of course addressed to AFP, which was very slow to provide the information. Now, France is waiting for a proposal from Emmanuel Macron for a national gesture for Professor Montagnier, Nobel Prize winner, a great French researcher recognized throughout the world..

Why was AFP late?

On the AFP side, we justified this delay by “significant difficulties in obtaining confirmation of this information”. Indeed, the agency assures that “the close family of Mr. Montagnier did not communicate on his death to the main media. As for the institutions of which he had been a member, such as the Pasteur Institute or the CNRS, they could not be able to verify the announcement.


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