final revisions before the oral exams of the students



France 3

Article written by

S. Broomberg, L. Houeix, L. Lagabbe, F. Fontaine – France 3

France Televisions

In Finistère, the students of Pont-l’Abbé try several methods before taking their oral baccalaureate exams. Some work with a director, others have a web radio.

In Pont-l’Abbé (Finistère), students lower the pressure before the final exam of the baccalaureate. Pupils in first, who will soon pass their French oral, train with a director. “What I remember most from this session is how I anchor myself and my presence”, says Faustine Charrier Aubertot, 1st year student. Seniors also have a practical exercise with a web radio.

With this radio in their high school, the students work on content and form. They choose subjects they want to discuss at the microphone and learn, at the same time, to express themselves clearly. “There we really have to put our voice, focus on the fact that we have to articulate the words well”, explains Charlotte Getin, 17, a final year student. The students then train to pass their big white orals in front of other comrades, formed into a jury.

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