Final Pro D2 – Relive in pictures the victory of Aviron Bayonnais from the square of Les Halles

They did it. After only one season spent in Pro D2, Aviron Bayonnais will return to the elite of French rugby next season. This Sunday, the skies and whites have defeated Mont-de-Marsan in the Pro D2 final 20-49 Montpellier. A match perfectly mastered by the Bayonnais, to the delight of the supporters.

In addition to the thousands of them who were able to win their ticket for the final at the GGL Stadium, many supporters who could not make the trip took advantage of the giant screen installed by the town hall on the tile of Les Halles. The place was completely filled in the heart of the meeting, some seated in full sun, others standing, the luckiest had found a nice place on the terrace.

supporters who have vibrated throughout the matchbefore exploding at the end of the game at the final whistle, announcing that Aviron Bayonnais was French Pro D2 champion and would return to the Top 14 next year.

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Fans concentrated and stressed in the first half © Radio France
Anthony Michael
At half-time the fans give voice to support their team
At half-time the fans give voice to support their team © Radio France
Anthony Michael
Final whistle, Bayonne is French Pro D2 champion
Final whistle, Bayonne is French Pro D2 champion © Radio France
Anthony Michael
Friends explode with joy in front of the giant screen
Friends explode with joy in front of the giant screen © Radio France
Anthony Michael
It's official, next season Aviron Bayonnais will play in the Top 14
It’s official, next season Aviron Bayonnais will play in the Top 14 © Radio France
Anthony Michael

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