Final of “Star Académie”: Eloi or Krystel, the public will make their choice!

Two personalities, two voices, two paths and two artistic approaches will compete in the final of “Star Académie” this Sunday. Eloi Cummings was able to count on the support of viewers at each of her endangerments, while Krystel Mongeau benefits from the unwavering support of teachers, who see in her a vocal diamond.

But the public will be the sole master of the decision, namely to crown Eloi or Krystel as the winner of this 2022 edition.

• Read also: “Star Académie”: Camélia and Olivier leave with their heads held high

• Read also: Eloi and Krystel in the final

Eloi Cummings, 16, Magdalen Islands

The charm of youth

Final of “Star Académie”: Eloi or Krystel, the public will make their choice!


Freshly landed from the Magdalen Islands, Eloi Cummings would never have thought of making it to the “Star Academy” final just a few weeks ago. The votes of the successive public, however, gave him a glimpse of the possibility of winning this final.

By registering for the auditions, the 16-year-old teenager especially wanted to discover more about the music industry. “I wanted to learn as much as possible,” he explains in an interview. My idea was to store as much learning as possible, while receiving sound advice on this profession. I wanted to get as many answers as possible to all my questions about how it works. I also thought that it could allow me to make myself known and that the public discovers me.

His time at the Waterloo Academy eventually took on proportions he never thought possible. He has made an incredible journey over the past four months, and he himself has seen that he has improved enormously in his knowledge of music, interpretation, singing techniques and everything related to the profession.

“I feel more mature. The teachers were able to teach me a lot of things. I also feel that I am more solid. In fact, I was able to learn as much with the other Academicians as with the teachers and the encounters that we were able to make.

Whatever happens in the final, Eloi wants to finish high school to learn the basics, but he also feels ready to embark on a career in music. He has taken advantage of the last few weeks to build scenarios in his head and ask himself the right questions about his future. “I feel confident to embark on a career and give my all to the public. We talked about it with my parents, I think they agree to let me go in this direction. They trust me, they let me do what I want, but not anything either.

The unconditional support of the public, which translates into his presence in the final, pushes him and motivates him, just like his idols whom he was able to meet throughout the season. “I am very happy with the presence of Salebarbes at Variété this Sunday, two of whose members are from the Islands. I was also able to chat with lots of people I admire, like Daniel Lavoie, Zachary Richard or Yannick Nézet-Séguin. These are, each time, meetings very strong in emotion.

The young Madelinot is even ready to make the sacrifice of leaving his Islands on time to sing across Quebec. A tour of the two finalists is already planned for the winter of 2023.

Krystel Mongeau, 25, Sherbrooke

A sparkling voice

Final of “Star Académie”: Eloi or Krystel, the public will make their choice!

Supported by the faculty since the beginning of the season, Krystel Mongeau has decided to live the adventure to the fullest, and to explore all the facets of this profession, before being able to exercise it full time.

“Star Academy” came at the right time in Krystel’s life. After two years of taking care of her daughter on a daily basis, without singing, she felt the call of music. “I was missing something in my life. With my boyfriend, we made the decision, and I set out to breathe new life into what I love doing the most in the world. I listened to myself and that brings me a lot of happiness.”

The young woman also claims to have acquired great self-confidence through this experience. Rather introverted at the base, she understood that she had her place and that she had to take it at its fair value.

“I let myself go and discovered another side of me. I will always remain the introverted little girl, but I let myself be who I am much more, in addition to giving myself the right to make mistakes.

She wonders how she managed the challenge of going almost four months without having her daughter with her, but remembering daily the reasons why she decided to come to the Academy helped her. She even says the experience was worth it. “Being in the final makes me realize that all these sacrifices have not been in vain. I did it for me, but also for my daughter. She will understand that, in life, you have to go after your dreams to be happy. Before leaving, I still made sure that the foundations were solid, that everyone around us was going to help my boyfriend and my daughter during my absence.

The exceptionally vocal singer chose to perform Diane Juster’s “I Am Just a Song” in the finale, but she would like to get into New Country in the near future. “Gregory Charles made me understand that I am currently in a competition, and that I have to make songs that will highlight all my facets. The country will come later.

What is certain is that she will do everything to stay in this environment as long as possible. “I will first take time to rebuild a new routine with my boyfriend and my daughter. Then, I want to rush to relaunch the contacts I made here. Whether as a singer or chorister, I want to do this job. As long as I’m on stage and singing, I’m going to be happy.”

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