“filtration camps” built by the Russian army in the conquered areas

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict brings its share of war crimes. “Filtration camps” were built by the Russian army in the conquered areas in Ukraine. They serve as “triage” centers to assess the loyalty of civilians to Ukraine, but also to deport them to Russia, especially children.

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There would be about twenty of these filtration camps. Located in the south and east of Ukraine, in areas controlled by the Russians, they are used to detect anyone who could lead an anti-Russian resistance. Those who are suspect disappear or are held incommunicado. Many are tortured and humiliated.

Some reappeared within the framework of prisoner exchanges, others managed to escape and find refuge in Georgia or in the Baltic countries, and were able to testify.

Michael Carpenter, US Ambassador to the OSCE in Vienna, denounces mass repression by Moscow: “The forced displacement of the population is a war crime, it is a violation of international humanitarian law. We have clear evidence that war crimes have been committed, but we must continue investigations to document these crimes and find the responsible.”

“It is difficult to have a precise number. It is however believed that around a million people have passed through these camps, but it could be more. The children alone would be 260,000. But there too it could to be more.”

Michael Caprenter, US Ambassador to the OSCE

at franceinfo

The challenge now is to collect and preserve as many elements as possible, which will be used for possible trials once the conflict is over.

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