Filmmaker Fabien Onteniente (“Camping”, “Disco”) will no longer film with Gérard Depardieu: “It’s terrible”

There are so few who speak up and dare to speak. As explained by Further investigation this Thursday, December 7, 2023, all the filmmakers that Tristan Waleckx’s teams contacted refused to testify, and to criticize the sacred monster of French cinema that is Gérard Depardieu. But if there is one who has decided to split the armor, it’s Fabien Onteniente. The French filmmaker, to whom we owe the successful franchise Camping in which he filmed Franck Dubosc and Mathilde Seigner with the late Claude Brasseur and Mylène Demongeot, deplored the new revelations about the actor with whom he worked twice between 2008 and 2013. And for Fabien Onteniente, it is now out of the question to work again with the man who was for a long time considered an untouchable man.

At the microphone of France Info this Friday, December 8, 2023, the director, who is preparing the release of his new film Four Zeros in which Karim Benzema and Cyril Hanouna agreed to play, declared that it was now out of the question for him to work again with Gérard Depardieu: It’s too crap for me, it’s not in my values, it’s terrible. It’s not possible to close your eyes, even for an artistic causeon this type of behavior which is unacceptable to me” explained the one who directed the actor twice; a first time in 2008 in Discothen a second, five years later, in Turf.

A drama about “Disco” that he didn’t “know”

Fabien Onteniente reveals that he never saw any problem arise on the set of Discowhich is at the heart of this new Further investigation. Indeed, one of the actresses, Helene Darras, filed a complaint in September 2023 against Gérard Depardieu for “sexual assault”accusing him of having “put a very strong hand on (his) buttocks” during a sequence. Fabien Onteniente assured France Info that he had not been informed by the actress of this problem, which would have led him not to contact him again five years later to Turf : “I didn’t know, so I shot again with Gérard Depardieu.”

But on the set of Turfwhere Gérard Depardieu was able to collaborate with many actresses including Héléna Noguerra, Cristiana Reali or Sophie ThalmannFabien Onteniente revealed ten years later that he had witnessed an act committed by the sacred monster, and which pushed him to warn him: “There I saw, at one point, something, so I took it aside, I told him that it was unacceptable, I reframed it”revealed the one who, today, wants to pull a train on this man, and never wants to hear about him again in one of his films. It is said !

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