Bringing together a gypsy jazz quartet, a string quartet and an accordionist is the ambition of the show “Filigrana”. A musical adventure that stops in Alsace for an evening.
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It is a multi-headed musical creature that hides behind this show baptized Watermark. The project brings together the jazz quartet Ytrethe string quartet Yoshka and accordionist Marcel Loefflerthe whole forms a unique ensemble of nine musicians who have decided to explore new musical territories together. Created for the first time in 2022 on the occasion of the festival Accordances in Saintes-Maries-de-la-MerFiligrana made a stopover in the Paris region before stopping this Sunday, May 14 in the Protestant church of Barr in the HTout-Rhin.

Report: France 3 Alsace – I. Michel / A. Rapp / S. Teissier
The power of eclecticism
At the origin of this project, there is the Ytré quartet with Enge Helmstetter at the guitar, Yardani Torres Maiani and Chatcho Helmstetter at violin and Gilles Coquard on bass guitar. Created in 2017 by the brothers HelmstetterTraining is known for its eclecticism and its ability to break free from convention. Composed of big names in gypsy jazz, jazz-fusion guitar and a violin virtuoso trained at the Conservatory of Malaga and Geneva, Ytré released his first self-titled album in 2020 to critical acclaim.
- For Filigrana, the quartet joins forces with Yoshka, a classical quartet (Clemency hazael Massieux and Luis Miguel Joves at violin, maria Zaharia at theviola, Natalie Forthomme at cello) and accordionist Marcel Loeffler. Born into a family of gypsy musicians in Haguenau, he has been playing the accordion since the age of five. It was also at this age that Marcel lost his sight. Very far from the instrument of musette balls, he is one of those who gave the accordion its letter of nobility by taking it towards jazz and classical.
Django and compos
On the concert program for May 14, works by Django Reinhardt (Anouman, Troubling Boléro, Impromptu, What Kind of Friend…) and compositions of the group Ytré among which Echoes of Einzam by Engé Helmstetter (a work of rewriting around a theme of Romanian klezmer folklore), Ballad Gitana by Yardani Torres (concert melody with a Latin-flamenco background) or even spring melody by Tchatcho Helmstetter (jazzy composition with a pop color).
The concert is intended to launch the production of a disc before a series of concerts planned for 2024.
Filigrana concert on Sunday May 14 at 5 p.m. in the Protestant church of Saint-Martin de Barr (67140) – Free admission