Fiji Ruiz married in secret to Anas and sublime in her dress: photos revealed

To say the least Fiji Ruiz has mastered the art of keeping a secret. For almost a year, she managed to hide that she had married his partner, the singer by profession Anas. But on Sunday May 22, 2022, the couple decided to share the great news with internet users.

Mr and Mrs Benturquia. There is the name given to us at birth and the name we choose to bear out of love. We have to tell you a secret. Some people suspect it, some don’t. Yes, we united before God on July 26, 2021. We wanted to live this first year of newlyweds in the most total privacy. We wanted to keep this secret and savor it all exclusively“, wrote Fiji through an Instagram post. The lovebirds also had the opportunity to celebrate their love once again recently and in the presence of their families. “A few days ago the civil wedding took place. It’s time for us to share all this happiness with you“, she announced again.

Fiji accompanied her publication with a series of photos from D-Day where she poses inside a luxury car, namely a Rolls-Royce which is estimated at more than 500,000 dollars. The sedan is parked in the middle of the desert, a typical setting for Dubai where the young couple are installed. Anas appears elegant in a black tuxedo with a bow tie. As for Fiji, she reveals herself divine in a very simple and refined white dress that perfectly hugs her figure.

The former reality TV contestant who converted to Islam concluded her Instagram post by declaring all her love for her man: “I love you in this life and in the next. You are the man of my life, I am honored to bear your name and to be your wife. I thank Allah for having blessed me by putting you in my life and making me your better half. I love you forever“.

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