Fiji Ruiz collapsed at the mosque: secrets about her conversion to Islam, “as if by instinct”

In January 2021, Fiji Ruizex-candidate of reality TV seen in Friends Trip (in 2014), The Marseillais VS The rest of the world (in 2017) and The Battle of the Couples (in 2019), announced big news to his loyal followers on social networks: his secret conversion to Islam which had occurred a year earlier. Since then, the beautiful brunette married to the charming Anas, a rapper, has opened her heart to religion. So, this Thursday, October 6, 2022, she took to her Snapchat account to share some precious moments with her followers.

Yesterday I fell asleep with the story of the prophet. It was so good. I listened to three YouTube videos, I went to bed with headphones“, she says, evoking her evening the day before. It was then that Fiji began to answer the few questions she regularly receives about her conversion. She thus reveals how she had this trigger, this little voice inside her that pushed her to take the leap.”I felt it, overnight. I thought about it, I knew I would convert, I felt the needshe recalls. But it didn’t happen right away. There are things that I didn’t understand, that I didn’t accept because I wasn’t cultured at all and I stopped at hearsay.

Today, the one who had her tattoos removed out of religious conviction says she is appeased: “I found my way. Overnight, I said to myself: ‘It’s now!’ It took me by instinct. I converted, I criedI felt too many things.“Another important moment in her new life as a Muslim, her first time in the mosque.”I felt too good theresays Fiji. There was an even stronger energy coming through. I started to crumble, to let go of all my fears, my sorrows, my joy too. I gave thanks for the life I have. I came out of the mosque completely empty.“Strong memories that now date from several months ago but that she keeps etched in her.

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