fighting still just as violent in the Donbass



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Russia is now concentrating its offensive in the Donbass region. Ukrainian forces are resisting.

Severodonetsk (Ukraine), a strategic city in the Donbass that has been bombarded day and night for weeks, has still not fallen into Russian hands. Fighting continues and Ukrainian forces resist. The Kremlin is now concentrating its offensive in this eastern region that Ukraine does not intend to let go. “The situation on the front line today is without significant change”said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

In Lysychansk (Ukraine), another city in the Donbass coveted by the Russians, the inhabitants who had chosen to stay at the start of the war no longer really have a choice today. We must leave to reach the west of Ukraine. “Life made me leave, the incessant bombardments and also my grandson. He asked me earnestly: ‘Grandma, come to our house'”, says a resident. Further south, towards Kherson, Ukrainian forces led a counterattack. Several enemy positions were reportedly destroyed.

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