Fighting in Sudan between army and paramilitaries escalates

More than 185 people have been killed in Sudan, where the power struggle of the two generals in charge since the 2021 putsch has gained in intensity.

In the sky of Khartoum, the planes of the army of General Abdel Fattah al-Burhane, leader de facto of the country since the putsch of 2021, have been trying to overcome the intense armored fire from the paramilitaries of the Rapid Support Forces (FSR) of General Mohamed Hamdane Daglo, known as “Hemedti”, his second in command for the coup, which has since become Saturday his sworn enemy.

At least two hospitals in the capital have been evacuated, “while rockets and bullets riddled their walls”, announced doctors who say they have no more blood bags or equipment to treat the wounded.

In addition to the crossfire, which killed three World Food Program (WFP) staff in Darfur, aid workers now also have to deal with looting, reports Save the Children. Several NGOs and UN agencies have already announced that they will suspend their activities, a blow in a country where hunger affects more than one in three inhabitants.

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) says it received 136 wounded on Monday in its last functional hospital in North Darfur. “The majority are civilians who were caught in the shooting, including many children,” reports the NGO. “Eleven died” on Saturday and Sunday due to lack of equipment and personnel.

In Khartoum, since the outbreak of fighting on Saturday, residents have been barricading themselves in their homes. Above them, columns of thick black smoke rise, the smell of gunpowder pricks the nostrils, and everyone wonders when the electricity and running water will return.

“First time in Khartoum”

It was still impossible on Monday to know which force controls what. The FSR announced that they took the airport and entered the presidential palace, which the army denied. The army claims to hold the headquarters of its staff, one of the main power complexes in Khartoum.

As for state television, after two days of fighting in its vicinity, it now broadcasts images and press releases from the army, which claims to have regained ground in many places.

“This is the first time in the history of Sudan since independence [en 1956] that there is such a level of violence in the center, in Khartoum”, assures Agence France-Presse Kholood Khair, who founded the Confluence Advisory research center in Khartoum.

With each new air strike or artillery fire, parents and children jump, say families, who have never seen such violence in the capital of a country which launched four years ago in a transition that was intended to be democratic. .

Today, everyone is watching from their windows as armored vehicles or militiamen pass by in civilian vehicles from which they have removed the number plates. Hoping no stray bullets or shrapnel will hit their building.

The few grocery stores open have warned that they will last only a day or two if no trucks enter to supply the city.

More than 185 people were killed, according to the UN, and at least 1,800 injured. The belligerents, they have never communicated on their losses.

The UN calls on the two generals to “immediately cease hostilities” because they could be “devastating for the country and the entire region”. But the UN envoy to Sudan, Volker Perthes, said he was not optimistic about a quick return to dialogue given that “it is difficult to assess in which direction the balance is changing”.

The conflict had been latent for weeks between General Burhane and General Mohamed Hamdane Daglo, whose former militiamen from the war in the Darfur region had become official auxiliaries to the army in recent years.

On Monday, diplomatic contacts appeared to intensify.

At the end of the day, Egypt, a major influential neighbor, announced that it had discussed the situation with Saudi Arabia, South Sudan and Djibouti, three other important players in Sudan, as well as with Paris. Qatar, for its part, spoke with the President of the African Union Commission, Moussa Faki Mahamat, who is supposed to go to Sudan as soon as possible, over which no plane flies.

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