Fighting for peace in Gaza means fighting for peace here

In recent weeks, like the entire Montreal community, we have been shocked by the increase in hateful acts against the Jewish and Arab-Muslim communities.

Unlike certain organizations which seek to “essentialize” anti-Semitism, to isolate it from other forms of racism and discrimination, Independent Jewish Voices considers that any hateful act of a racist nature, regardless of the community targeted, is a threat to all communities. Currently, it is the Palestinian people who are bearing the brunt of racist dehumanization seeking to justify mass murder. We must not lose sight of Gaza when we fight anti-Semitism.

It is both dishonest and misleading to conflate anti-Semitism with solidarity with the Palestinian people and the defense of their most fundamental rights. How can we want to protect Jewish communities while refusing this same protection to the Palestinian people? This is an untenable position.

However, in recent days, speeches suggesting this fraudulent amalgamation are gaining momentum. We denounce them unequivocally.

As Jews who care about respect for human rights, we call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. This is not anti-Semitism, it is consistency with the very ideals our politicians claim to uphold. Except when it comes to the Palestinian people?

Let us be clear: slogans in favor of the liberation of the Palestinian people are not anti-Semitic, posters placed in subways calling for an end to atrocities in Gaza do not constitute anti-Semitism, defending peace and justice does not is not anti-Semitic. The fight for justice, human rights and peace is at the heart of our Jewish values.

In this regard, we wish to provide our support to Bochra Manaï, the commissioner for the fight against racism and systemic discrimination of the City of Montreal, who has been the target of criticism in recent days for having expressed her solidarity with Palestine on the social networks.

Fighting for peace in Gaza means fighting for peace here. Fighting for justice for the Palestinian people means fighting for justice here.

Our security, that of Jewish communities in Israel and in the diaspora, is intimately linked to the security of the Palestinian people. We have known this for a long time, and since October 7, you have known it too.

You say you want our security? Stop making unacceptable amalgams between anti-Semitism and solidarity with the Palestinian cause. Stop using our fears and our desire for security to advance your own interests and political views. Have the courage to denounce what is happening in Gaza. Join your voice to ours to demand a ceasefire and an immediate end to the violence.

Never again, it’s now, for everyone!

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