fighting continues in Severodonetsk, Russia accused of theft and wheat blackmail

On the 104th day of war in Ukraine, fighting continues for the takeover of Severodonetsk, a key city in eastern Ukraine. kyiv and Washington accuse Russia of “blackmail” on wheat exports, but also of grain theft. Ukrainian high school students who are refugees in France will be able to pass the equivalent of the baccalaureate in three French examination centers. Here is what to remember this Tuesday, June 7 on the armed conflict in Ukraine.

The essential

The situation on the military front

Fighting continues in Severodonetsk

Fighting continues for control of Severodonetsk, a key city in eastern Ukraine. “Our heroes hold their positions in Severodonetsk. Intense street fighting continues”President Volodymyr Zelensky said Monday evening.

But Ukraine is struggling to cope with the influx of Russian troops into this city, the largest city still in Ukrainian hands in the Lugansk region. Russians “are destroying the city. Since they have not managed to take it in one or two days, they are using air strikes, heavy artillery”, testified on Monday evening the head of the administration of Severodonetsk. He claims that an evacuation of civilians has become “virtually impossible”.

Ukraine claims to have rolled back Russian fleet in Black Sea

In the Black Sea, the Ukrainian army assured on Monday that it had largely pushed back the Russian fleet, more than a hundred kilometers from the coast.

The diplomatic situation, international reactions

Wheat blackmail accusations

The other major battle, an economic one, is that of the wheat resources of the cereal superpower that is Ukraine. The head of American diplomacy accuses Moscow of “blackmail” for the lifting of international sanctions, by blocking wheat exports from Ukraine.

Russia accused of stealing tons of Ukrainian wheat

The head of American diplomacy also considers “credible” the information according to which Russia “steals” tons of cereals, “to sell them for its own profit”, with its naval blockade of Ukrainian ports. This blocking of cereal exports raises fears of food crises, particularly in Africa.

According to the New York Times, Washington in May warned 14 countries, mostly in Africa, that Russian cargo ships were transporting “stolen Ukrainian grain”. The Ukrainian ambassador in Ankara had accused Russia on Friday of “steal” and export Ukrainian grain, especially to Turkey.

The quantity of cereals intended for export and blocked in Ukraine by the Russians could triple by “by the fall” to reach 75 million tonnes, Volodymyr Zelensky warned on Monday. The Ukrainian president claims to discuss with the UN maritime corridors to be able to export these cereals. kyiv is also discussing this subject with Poland and the Baltic States, to export small volumes by rail.

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The key figures of Ukrainian agriculture. © Visactu

US and Europe call on Russia to stop sexual violence

The United States and Europe have also called on Russia to stop the alleged sexual violence committed by his army and its auxiliaries in Ukraine. Moscow denounced baseless accusations during a meeting of the UN Security Council.

US accuses Russia of intimidating US media correspondents

The United States also accused Russia of “intimidating” American media correspondents in Moscow, summoned by Russian diplomacy who threatened them with reprisals because of American sanctions.

Solidarity with the Ukrainian people

Young Ukrainian refugees in France will be able to take their Ukrainian baccalaureate in France

Young Ukrainian refugees in France will be able to pass their Ukrainian baccalaureate in our country, reveals France Inter. More than 500 Ukrainians of university age will be able to take their university entrance test this summer in three examination centers: Bordeaux, Marseille and Paris. They will thus be able either to integrate the university on their return to the country, or to go to the university in France in September, if they are still in France.

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