Fight against terrorism, secularism… Jean-Michel Blanquer’s “8h30 franceinfo”

The former Minister of Education was the guest of “8h30 franceinfo”, Saturday October 21, 2023.

Jean-Michel Blanquer, Minister of Education from May 2017 to May 2022, was the guest of the“8:30 a.m. franceinfo”, Saturday October 21, 2023. Fight against terrorism, secularism… He answered questions from Agathe Lambret and Jean-Rémi Baudot.

We must “accelerate existing systems”

It is necessary to insist on “reporting work, educational work and sanctioning work”, affirms Jean-Michel Blanquer, eight days after the assassination of Professor Dominique Bernard. “We can accelerate existing systems”pleads the one who was minister during the assassination of Samuel Paty, in 2020.

Since 2017, when he arrived at the head of the Ministry of National Education, “an automatic reporting system has been put in place”assures the former minister, who had called for “the end of ‘no wave'”. According to him, this report must “cause a chain of reactions” each time, from the school to the police via the rectorate.

The current Minister of National Education, Gabriel Attal, wants measures to exclude radicalized students from schools. His predecessor, Jean-Michel Blanquer, recalls that there already exist structures “for violent students”THE “relay institutions”which can accommodate approximately 1,500 students. “We can imagine devices of this type” for radicalized students, pleads the former minister but “we must not make them nests of radicalization”.

100 million euros spent to secure schools

“We must keep an educational dimension” with the children, insists Jean-Michel Blanquer. “Adolescents are tempted by black suns, they must be dissuaded.” The former Minister of National Education also recalls that “100 million euros” have been spent since 2017 for the “secure” educational establishments.

“We can do even more”, he insists, citing in particular the presence of municipal police officers near certain primary schools, such as in Nice. But Jean-Michel Blanquer insists: “it’s less about structures than about individuals that the subject concerns.”


Find the entire “8:30 am franceinfo” from Saturday October 21:

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