Fight against smoking: non-smoking areas throughout France



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Fight against smoking: non-smoking areas throughout France

The government has presented a plan to combat smoking. This includes the creation of non-smoking areas throughout the national territory. Parks, squares and even forests will be affected by this measure. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – A.-C. Roth, J.-C. Batteria, G. Boileau, N. Berthier, S. Peev, M. Luff, A. Da Silva

France Televisions

The government has presented a plan to combat smoking. This includes the creation of non-smoking areas throughout the national territory. Parks, beaches and even forests will be affected by this measure.

In front of a school in Reims (Marne), smoking is prohibited within a radius of 50 meters. This measure is well accepted by parents. “It’s completely normal. We don’t smoke in front of schools. It’s a good thing,” believes a father. THE tobacco-free in front of schools, even smokers are in favor of it. “Being a smoker, it’s better for children,” says a mother.

Expanded non-smoking areas

Fighting against passive smoking and bad example is the aim of these non-smoking areas. Reims, a pilot city, is testing them in front of four schools. Here, there is no fine, but education. “We know that the first cigarette is 11 years and 3 months old. The idea is to raise awareness among young people as far in advance as possible to avoid taking the first cigarette”explains Véronique Marchet, first deputy to the city of Reims.

Schools, but also parks, beaches and forests, spaces tobacco-free outdoors will be generalized throughout the territory, except for municipalities which will request an exemption. In Nancy (Meurthe-et-Moselle), parks will be non-smoking from 2024. Tobacco-free spaces are also beneficial for the environment.

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