Fight against climate change | Quebec finances 800 new charging stations in Montreal

New charging stations for electric vehicles, decarbonization of municipal buildings, planting of trees and green infrastructure: Quebec is granting $117 million to the City of Montreal to fight against climate change.

Posted at 10:14 a.m.

Jean-Thomas Léveillé

Jean-Thomas Léveillé
The Press

The funds will notably allow the installation of 800 public charging stations for electric vehicles, in order to reach 2,000 public charging stations by 2025 in the metropolis.

The funds will also allow for the conversion of some fifteen municipal buildings in order to decarbonize them, the planting of trees and the development of protection against floods and heat islands.

A similar announcement is scheduled for the afternoon with the City of Quebec.

More details to come.

Learn more

  • 55%
    City of Montreal greenhouse gas emissions reduction target for 2030 (compared to their 1990 level)

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