Fight against climate change | QS does not oppose an increase in logging

(Chibougamau) Québec solidaire is not opposed to an increase in logging in Québec in the context of the fight against climate change, but first proposes to ensure that the wood cut in Québec is first used for industry here.

Posted at 1:30 p.m.

Charles Lecavalier

Charles Lecavalier
The Press

“The first step is to better value and make better use of what we have already cut. If we have to cut more, we are not closed to that, but it will have to be done with respect for the ecosystems and the different communities that populate the territory of Quebec, “said the parliamentary leader of Quebec solidaire Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois. after a visit to the Chantiers Chibougamau plant.

The company, at the cutting edge of technology, manufactures engineered wood, which can replace steel and concrete in large-scale buildings. This is exactly the kind of business the left-wing party wants to foster with its 2030 climate plan.

“Chantier Chibougamau is a very fine example of the type of economic development that has a future in Quebec. With the ecological transition, sectors of the economy will be weakened, but there are also sectors that will flourish. This business is part of a sector that is set to grow,” noted Mr. Nadeau-Dubois. His plan calls for an increase in wood construction, which will replace steel and concrete, which will be on the decline.

need wood

But Chantier Chibougamau needs hands — Québec solidaire wants to promote the regionalization of immigration, and responds to this demand — and wood, lots of wood. Demand is exploding almost everywhere for the products of the leader in glued laminated timber.

Here, it is a little more complicated for Québec solidaire. The party wants to protect 30% of Quebec’s territory by 2030, especially in southern Quebec, where governments tend to turn a blind eye so as not to harm the forest industry.

Mr. Nadeau-Dubois promises a “new forestry model” and money for innovative companies, but we will have to wait until later in the campaign to know the details. He proposes to “transform our forest industry to use as much wood as possible in Quebec”.

“Before saying we are going to cut more, the first step is to say how we use more wood in Quebec than we already cut. At the moment, there is a part of the forest industry that is still geared towards foreign markets and exports,” pointed out Mr. Nadeau-Dubois.

Replace steel and cement

He was, however, unable to say whether the current volumes of timber harvested in the province were enough to fuel his “2030 vision”, where large wooden constructions would be commonplace. His plan, however, provides that by the end of the decade, the production of cement and steel will decrease by 8% to be replaced by wood, which captures carbon.

But he is not ideologically closed to more cuts. “The first step is to cut better and make better use of what we already cut. It’s essential. I will not give you a hypothetical number. What I am telling you is that there is no opposition in principle to Québec solidaire. The important thing is that it be done in respect of Quebec’s climate obligations, in respect of the ecosystems and communities that populate the territory,” he said.

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