fifth opus of the saga, beautiful but without surprises

It’s been 29 years since Steven Spielberg revolutionized the image of dinosaurs in cinema, after a long tradition that dates back to 1914 (Gertie the dinosauranimation by Winsor McCay), and which counts The lost World after Conan Doyle (Harry O. Hoyt, 1925). Spielberg was also inspired by the film by importing a tyrannosaur from the Jurassic into contemporary London, in place of the original pterodactyl. Three films later, two of which were quite successful, this world after is one too many.

director of the first Jurassic World (2015) after the two Jurassic Park by Steven Spielberg, Colin Trevorrow extrapolates the presence of dinosaurs in the contemporary world, but hardly changes the situation compared to Fallen Kingdom (2018) the previous film, of which it is almost the remake.

After the destruction of Isla Nublar, the sanctuary of the dinosaurs, the survivors were repatriated to zoos around the world. But escapes of dinosaurs and their reproduction generate more and more confrontations with the humans, of which they endanger the supremacy on Earth. When the trafficking of their seeds multiplies, Owen Grady and Claire Dearing return to service to counter these mercantile abuses and ward off the attacks of the monsters.

The scenario boils down to the threat posed to humanity by the dinosaurs: their fights between them, those against Owen and Claire, then the fight of the heroes against the traffickers who arrive a little late in the film. Thus remain many similarities with the previous opus in the springs of the film. To the point that we believe at times that scenes have been recycled. The franchise’s star velociraptors, meanwhile, are still dominant, as is Owen’s attachment to his trained specimen “Blue.”

The dramatic content withers in favor of a film of pursuits between Owen Grady, Claire Dearing and the dinos, the premiere of which, in Florence, is very successful. It’s lean but spectacular, with consistently splendid special effects. The film no longer relies solely on the spectacle of fascinating extinct animals, in a form that is still realistic and beautiful. Pleasure for the eyes, but little more.

Gender : science fiction
Director: Colin Trevorrow
Actors: Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Laura Dern, Sam Neil, Jeff Goldblum, Isabella Sermon
Duration : 2h26
Exit : June 8 2022
Distributer : Universal Pictures

Summary: Four years after the destruction of Isla Nublar. Dinosaurs are now part of the daily life of all humanity. A delicate balance that will challenge the dominance of the human species now that it must share its space with the most ferocious creatures history has ever known.

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