FIFA World Cup in Qatar | Zidane considers that “we must leave the controversy aside”

(Paris) “We must leave the controversy aside and give way to the game and the World Cup”, estimated Monday the ex-footballer Zinedine Zidane, about the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, which arouses many controversies and boycott calls.

Posted at 4:39 p.m.

“I wish a very good competition to the French team. I don’t know yet if I will go to Qatar, ”said the icon of the round ball, at the Grévin museum, in Paris where he came to inaugurate a new statue in his effigy.

Asked by the press about the World Cup, he deemed it necessary to “leave room for the game and the World Cup for all enthusiasts who just want to see football”, and so that they “have a good time”.

“In any case, what we are going to say about anything, it will never be right, never true and timely”, he added, in the presence of his parents, his wife and his children. .

Since the attribution, in December 2010, of the World Cup to Qatar, the competition, which will start on November 20, has sparked many controversies on subjects such as respect for human rights or the protection of the environment.

The working conditions of the foreign workers who built the infrastructure and the running of the competition in eight stadiums, seven of which were built for the tournament, are regularly denounced.

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